Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Um... no.

Here is some things that piss me off:
  1. people who talk like they know something when they don't.
  2. blaming others when you know you're the one that fucked up.
  3. when i say hello to you (because I'm being polite, not because i particularly like you, you stuck up jerk), you grunt in my general direction.
  4. other Ph.D.s that insist you call them "doctor". I'm one too, however I don't have to remind everyone because otherwise they might mistake me for one of the common (i.e. not having a Ph.D.) people. Screw that. M.D.s who do the same thing, with the exception being their patients.
  5. mustard yellow.
  6. kids with snotty noses.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

still angry, just been quiet.

holy crow. I forgot that I had this here, but then I trotted around the internet and stumbled onto some blogs and something jogged my memory. how about that! i have a blog that i set up some months ago wholly devoted to frustration and anger. I wonder if it's still there.

and look, it is! well, i'm actually highly impressed that i remembered it, but angry that i forgot. Fox, you old gal. you need to get your effing head on straight.