Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Um... no.

Here is some things that piss me off:
  1. people who talk like they know something when they don't.
  2. blaming others when you know you're the one that fucked up.
  3. when i say hello to you (because I'm being polite, not because i particularly like you, you stuck up jerk), you grunt in my general direction.
  4. other Ph.D.s that insist you call them "doctor". I'm one too, however I don't have to remind everyone because otherwise they might mistake me for one of the common (i.e. not having a Ph.D.) people. Screw that. M.D.s who do the same thing, with the exception being their patients.
  5. mustard yellow.
  6. kids with snotty noses.

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